Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Edible Art

We went to dye some eggs the other day at a friend's house.  We used our own home-harvested chicken eggs, naturally a lovely brown shade.

I started by washing the eggs, just to make sure they were clean going into the pot.

Pretty eggs!

I think the best way I have made hard boiled eggs was this:
Put eggs in water with a tablespoon or so of vinegar and a pinch of salt.  Bring to a rolling boil for about a minute, then turn off and remove from heat.  Let the eggs cool down in the water and then pop them in the fridge.

Putting my new basket to good use!

We found glitter to be an essential decorating ingredient.  The brown eggs took the color surprisingly well.  Our friends who mixed the dye used vinegar in the solution.  Something about that makes the color extra sticky.  Remember the glitter though.

Happy Easter everyone!  And Happy Egg dyeing!


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