Sunday, May 12, 2013

High Bräu

It's been nearly a year since my last post.  I guess I've had my mind on other things, but our dinner tonight was so good I couldn't resist taking some pictures and posting them up for you to see.  Matt really enjoys German cooking, and he's very, very good at it!

Jäger stew, red cabbage, and spätzle

Tonight's feast actually began with our appetizer.  At first, we thought there wasn't much to choose from, but we found a stale-ish baguette in the fridge and sliced it thin, added some marmalade and topped it with aged white cheddar.  Throw this in the toaster oven on 'broil' till the edges are golden brown.  Top with freshly ground black pepper.  Delicious!

White cheddar marmalade crostinis

On to dinner.  The stew was perfect, totally delicious and cooked forever so that the beef simply melted in your mouth.  The spätzle was delicious, cooked perfectly and sauteed in butter right before serving.  And the purple cabbage... what can I say?  Perfection.

The chef at work...

The spätzle

Can you believe this is my view every night?
A hot guy giving me a plate of food... oh yes.

So... pretty good huh?  I'll keep you up on our culinary adventures a little better... just need to remember to document them!  I'm so busy eating this delicious food, it's hard to stop and take pictures.  In the mean time, enjoy your food and each other!


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